A world in a song
The secondary education institut 'GALILEO GALILEI' of Legnano (Province of Milan) looks for partners in Europe for the project 'A world in a song', in order to participate in the call for proposal Erasmus+ (KA2), deadline 30th April 2014.
Objectives of the Project are:
- increase the students' sense of initiative in finding material for the project
- increase the students' motivation for language learning and consequently their linguistic competence and digital skills
- improve their understanding of cultural and social diversity in European countries , especially of those involved in the project
- widen their knowledge of the history , society and culture of the countries whose schools are part of the project
- involve the students in a broader European intercultural and international dimension, which will allow them to overcome prejudices and preconceptions through the universal language of
- the teachers of the schools involved will enhance their teaching offer by developing new and innovative approaches and techniques
- the teachers will improve their skills of organization and cooperation in team
The first step of the project will concern the finding and gathering of pop songs from the 50's onward , which, in the students' countries, are popular and relevant from a cultural, historical and social point of view. Then the lyrics of these songs will be analyzed, highlighting their vocabulary, linguistic registers and the differences in translation of the existing covers; finally, these songs will be set in the historical, social and cultural background of their countries. Reports will be written in English, German and Spanish and sent via e-mail. The project will last about 24 months (2 years). The deadline for the partner search is 14th April 2014. We ask you to be so kind to disseminate the partner search among your European Secondary High Schools where subjects like languages , history, human science are the core of their studies.