Network of schools in Terni

We represent a network of schools in Terni (Umbria Region, central Italy) a city located 1 hour of train from Rome.

Our network involves Primary, Middle and Secondary School with students ranging from 10 to 16 year olds.

We are particularly interested in becoming partner in a project in the frame of the upcoming call Erasmus + K2 (deadline 30-04).

We are particularly interested in a project analysing relationships between Music and Mathematics. Our specific aim is to explore new methods and motivating ways to integrate the two areas at different levels (Primary-Secondary schools) according to a CLIL Approach (Content Language Integrated Learning).

We know that many interesting experiments are conducted nowadays in countries such Germany, The UK, France, Belgium, Luxemburg, EIRE, Spain, Portugal. So we are interested in hearing from some prospective lead partner based in these countries but welcome other countries where similar experiments might be on.

If you are interested please contact directly mail